Hair Suddenly Greasy and Falling Out? Here's What To Do

Hair Suddenly Greasy and Falling Out? Here's What To Do

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Greasy hair and hair loss are two conditions that can be related, causing issues for both your scalp and your hair. Taking care of your scalp can alleviate these issues and help revive your hair so it is healthy and full again, from root to tip.


Why is My Hair Suddenly Greasy and Falling Out

Hair that gets greasy quickly can be common for certain hair types, like those with fine hair, but if your hair is greasier than normal and you are noticing hair loss, it’s likely your pores are clogged.


The pores on your scalp can be clogged from excess oil and buildup, which can it turn attract more buildup and debris. When your pores clog from overproduced oil and buildup, your hair follicles weaken leading your hair to fall out and preventing new hair to take root in that follicle.

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Is Hair Loss Caused By An Oily Scalp Reversible?

If you are suffering from hair loss that is at least in part due to an overly greasy scalp, you can solve this issue by purifying your scalp and giving your scalp and hair a deep clean. Removing the buildup and excess oil is key to getting your scalp back to a balanced state and returning the hair follicles to health.


How to Treat My Oily Scalp with Hair Loss

1. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week (or more)

hair suddenly greasy and falling out

Clarifying shampoos give your scalp and hair a more intense cleanse by targeting product and oil buildup. Clarifying shampoos can make your hair dry with overuse, but if you have clogged pores, use a few times a week until your scalp is less oily and then scale back to once a week.


2. Apple cider vinegar rinses with every shampoo

oily scalp hair loss reversible

Apple cider vinegar rinses are great for exfoliating the scalp and removing buildup due to their high acidity. They are gentle enough to use every time you shampoo. See this article on apple cider vinegar rinses for oily hair to learn how to incorporate these into your routine for less oily but still shiny hair.


3. Make sure you are using a purifying or volumizing shampoo for everyday

If you are using a moisturizing, smoothing, anti-frizz, or even a regular shampoo, try using a purifying or at least a volumizing shampoo on a regular basis (in between your uses of a clarifying shampoo.) Moisturizing shampoos and other similar formulas have conditioning ingredients like oils and butters which can create more buildup on already greasy hair. Volumizing and purifying shampoos give hair a deeper cleanse and also leave hair with more lift.


4. Shampoo twice for a deeper clean

Shampooing twice is a good idea for anyone looking to get a deep clean, but with an oily scalp this tip is a must-do! Shampoo your hair like normal and rinse it out. Then shampoo again. Really massage your scalp with the shampoo to scrub away the buildup. Rinse out thoroughly to make sure you’ve gotten all of that shampoo out of your hair.


5. Keep conditioners and oils away from your scalp

You can still use conditioner if you are struggling with a greasy scalp but keep it to your mid-lengths and ends. Scalp oils will only create more buildup so it’s good to give those a rest too until you fix the issues with too much buildup.


Hair Suddenly Greasy and Falling Out Conclusion

Hair that gets increasingly greasy with signs of hair loss can seem hopeless, but with the right cleansing routine you can turn the situation around quickly. Use these tips to get a clean scalp fast so your hair follicles can strengthen and start growing healthy hair again.